500g açúcar
12 gemas
8 claras
150g farinha
sumo 1 limão
1 colher chá de fermento
1 pitada de sal
Juntar açúcar e gemas e bater durante 20 minutos. Depois juntar sumo de limão e as claras em castelo e mexer gentilmente. No fim juntar a farinha aos poucos e envolver com uma colher de pau. Forno 180ºC, 30 minutos, forma sem buraco untada com manteiga e farinha. Utilizei uma forma de 28cm de diâmetro.
In the last 2013 dinner I've decided to make two desserts. Sweet rice which I already spoke about and the other a sponge cake. To exact D. Natércia spong cake. This recipe was given by D. Natércia at a TV show that turned out to really be good, very moist in the center, crispy on top and the pastry is very light and fluffy. The photos are not good enough but the cake was eaten fast and nothing was left to take a picture of a slice...Ingredients
500g sugar
12 egg yolks
8 egg whites
150g flour
1 lemon juice
1 tbs baking powder
1 pinch of salt
Add the egg yolks with the sugar and mix really well for a long time, 20 minuts at least. Then add the lemon juice, the egg whites (wisked previously) and mix gently with a spatula. Then add the flour and baking powder litle by litle and mixing gently with the spatula. This is to keep the pastry really airy and fluffy. Use a circular tin with no hole(28cm) and in the ove it goes for about 30min (180ºC and the tin should be with butter and flour.
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